Straßenbahnmuseum Chemnitz

Chemnitz Tramway Museum

If you follow the industrial route along Zwickauer Straße, you will find an old track system in the property at number 164, which is reminiscent of the era of the Chemnitz narrow-gauge tramway. The Chemnitz Tram Museum houses relics from a bygone era in a carriage shed dating back to 1908. The museum is run on a voluntary basis by the "Straßenbahnfreunde Chemnitz e. V." association

In the exhibition, visitors can find out why Chemnitz's narrow-gauge trams ran on the unusual 925 mm gauge, why an Englishman built the city's first horse-drawn tram line, how a tram "works" and much more.

From April to October, a Bus Museum Day is held at the tram museum on the last Saturday of every month. Vehicles from the historic bus fleet invite you to take a tour on these days.

Since December 2022, our mobile museum "BUSEUM" has been in use for the bus school and for presentations. The former MAN service bus houses an exhibition on Chemnitz's local transport history.

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